Each quarter, BG Wealth Group holds an open event for clients and their network connections entitled the ‘Investors Mastermind’. We hosted our Q1 event last night and the theme was “ROI: Return on Innovation”. During the event, our leadership panel touched on BG Wealth Group’s unique business model and immediate opportunities for generating wealth in this economic climate.
For those unable to join us, please find a full recording of the session here.
Short on time to watch the whole video? For our online community, here is a digest below of information we touched on. Feel free to get in touch with any of the contacts below for more information.
Partner Referral Program
We discussed our new and enhanced Partner Referral Program and how referral partners can earn a 2% incentive for bringing in new investors. Do you know of individuals looking to maximize their wealth-building at this ideal time? Please reach out to Jennifer Arzadon at jennifer@bgwealthgroup.com or by phone at 416-993-2573. You make the intro, we take it from there and you get paid!
For a refresher on the eligible programs and its financial incentives, read our blog post on the program here.
Don’t miss our newsletter!
A lot of this information is covered in our quarterly newsletter: The Beyond Growth Post. Click here to read this quarter’s update.